The sun is eclipsed by fair goers riding the Vertigo giant swing ride at the Western Fair in London, Ontario.
September 7, 2014.

Keegan Pope (5) (left) awaits burial after he and other friends buried Aiden Pickering (5) in the sand during a visit to the beach at Balsam Lake Provincial Park.
June 23, 2007

The ring toss game, a classic staple of fairs world wide, is ready to challenge the skill and luck of citizens at the 2007 version of The Western Fair which opens tomorrow.
September 6, 2007

Tim Trenholm admires an untitled painting of a red rose by Canadian artist Hyunhwaohneill during 25th anniversary celebrations of Museum London.
Sunday, June 5, 2005.

Beef Cattle graze under a hamburger restaurant billboard in a farmer's field south of Birr, Ontario.
November 1, 2003.

The sun sets behind a construction crane on Richmond St. in London, Ontario.
Spetember 10, 2013.

Maggie the Dalmatian stands outside in the blowing snow. I intentionally over exposed the shot to wash out the detail of the snow and her fur so that only the dark tones remained.
February 4, 2002

A jet leaves a thick vapour trail as it blasts out of cloud above in London, Ontario.
July 2, 2014.

Pop star Pink appears to be sticking out her tongue at Emilie Pilon-David as she walks past a bus shelter in London, Ont.
Wednesday November 27, 2013.

Snow cascades upon a pair of horses at the Circle "R" Ranch in Delaware, Ontario during the region's first major storm of the season.
December 23, 2004

"Leo" seems surprised by "Kibou" while running around Kathryn O'Brien (left) and Alysa Perrie (Kibou's owner) ata dog park in London, Ont. "Leo" was visiting the park with his owner Betsy Tenbruggencate.
January 29, 2014

Seventy-eight year old Sylvia Deleary reaches towards names of friends inscribed on the monument to residents of Mount Elgin Residential School following the monument's unveiling at the Chippewa on the Thames reserve. Deleary was a resident at Mohawk Residential School in Brantford. Her husband Ron was a resident of Mount Elgin.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Randy Coderre flattens freshly laid asphalt using a 1,000 pound roller in London, Ont.
May 14, 2014.

Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne snickers during meeting with Thames Valley District School Board student trustees at Banting Secondary School.
June 9, 2014

Eight-year-old Carter Navage gets dumped on by a bucket of water while enjoying his first day of summer vacation at the Oakridge Optimist Community Park slash pad in London, Ontario.
Friday, June 27, 2014.

Just how big in are the fish in Woodstock anyway? Sheila the dogs is tied up in front of a live bait vending machine while her best friend Bill Strang uses a phone booth in Woodstock, Ontario
July 24, 2014.

Michael Scott acts a as a human toboggan as he takes his daughter Lucy (4) and nephew Cole Parker (4) for a ride at Doidge Park in London, Ontario.
January 11, 2015.

University of Western Ontario students John Pizzy and Alex Gazzaruso enjoy a snack at the school's amphitheater during a break from studies.
October 9,. 2007

A tulip reaches skyward against a back drop of the city's tallest building, the 25 storey One London Place.
May 12, 2008

The sun is eclipsed by fair goers riding the Vertigo giant swing ride at the Western Fair in London, Ontario.
September 7, 2014.
Keegan Pope (5) (left) awaits burial after he and other friends buried Aiden Pickering (5) in the sand during a visit to the beach at Balsam Lake Provincial Park.
June 23, 2007
The ring toss game, a classic staple of fairs world wide, is ready to challenge the skill and luck of citizens at the 2007 version of The Western Fair which opens tomorrow.
September 6, 2007
Tim Trenholm admires an untitled painting of a red rose by Canadian artist Hyunhwaohneill during 25th anniversary celebrations of Museum London.
Sunday, June 5, 2005.
Beef Cattle graze under a hamburger restaurant billboard in a farmer's field south of Birr, Ontario.
November 1, 2003.
The sun sets behind a construction crane on Richmond St. in London, Ontario.
Spetember 10, 2013.
Maggie the Dalmatian stands outside in the blowing snow. I intentionally over exposed the shot to wash out the detail of the snow and her fur so that only the dark tones remained.
February 4, 2002
A jet leaves a thick vapour trail as it blasts out of cloud above in London, Ontario.
July 2, 2014.
Pop star Pink appears to be sticking out her tongue at Emilie Pilon-David as she walks past a bus shelter in London, Ont.
Wednesday November 27, 2013.
Snow cascades upon a pair of horses at the Circle "R" Ranch in Delaware, Ontario during the region's first major storm of the season.
December 23, 2004
"Leo" seems surprised by "Kibou" while running around Kathryn O'Brien (left) and Alysa Perrie (Kibou's owner) ata dog park in London, Ont. "Leo" was visiting the park with his owner Betsy Tenbruggencate.
January 29, 2014
Seventy-eight year old Sylvia Deleary reaches towards names of friends inscribed on the monument to residents of Mount Elgin Residential School following the monument's unveiling at the Chippewa on the Thames reserve. Deleary was a resident at Mohawk Residential School in Brantford. Her husband Ron was a resident of Mount Elgin.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Randy Coderre flattens freshly laid asphalt using a 1,000 pound roller in London, Ont.
May 14, 2014.
Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne snickers during meeting with Thames Valley District School Board student trustees at Banting Secondary School.
June 9, 2014
Eight-year-old Carter Navage gets dumped on by a bucket of water while enjoying his first day of summer vacation at the Oakridge Optimist Community Park slash pad in London, Ontario.
Friday, June 27, 2014.
Just how big in are the fish in Woodstock anyway? Sheila the dogs is tied up in front of a live bait vending machine while her best friend Bill Strang uses a phone booth in Woodstock, Ontario
July 24, 2014.
Michael Scott acts a as a human toboggan as he takes his daughter Lucy (4) and nephew Cole Parker (4) for a ride at Doidge Park in London, Ontario.
January 11, 2015.
University of Western Ontario students John Pizzy and Alex Gazzaruso enjoy a snack at the school's amphitheater during a break from studies.
October 9,. 2007
A tulip reaches skyward against a back drop of the city's tallest building, the 25 storey One London Place.
May 12, 2008